Simple ingredients, impressive results. Our baguettes are made in the french tradition, fermented over 20 hours (the length of time it took me to handletter the logo) minimal yeast, all natural, soft inside, crispy outside. Nothing better between here and Paris.

Playing with custom stamps from to create business cards. See lumi blogpost to read about the process.
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Photo by @rachel.ostroy

Photo credits [L-R]: Top @carpefashiondiem, @brooklynartisanbakehouse Middle @hellowritingny @nechama_marcus
Bottom @milliebrennan, @ittawerdiger, @millenialcityofficial
Bottom @milliebrennan, @ittawerdiger, @millenialcityofficial
Client: Brooklyn Artisan Bakehouse // Creative Direction: Nechama Marcus // Art Direction: Mushky Ginsburg
Handlettering: Mushky Ginsburg // Photography: Tsuriel Eichenstein, Tzvi Perlow
Handlettering: Mushky Ginsburg // Photography: Tsuriel Eichenstein, Tzvi Perlow